
At RMA Sandhurst Prince Harry learned to carry out orders, no matter how absurd they might seem and to go on exhausting long training marches, with 60 pounds of fatigues on his back. He learned what it takes to survive on the battlefield so that one could become victorious. And above all, he learned to put a little love in everything he does. To base your love on the deeds you make for the benefit of your people. To behave like a man and to give your love to the people.

The personality of the Prince, seen from the outside, should be completed by the imagined construction of his inner personality, which the book The Cadet Life of Prince Harry is attempting to do. The two perspectives are complementary. His smile, his friendly voice, and the brightness of his eyes  can be very helpful in this respect.

As for Harry, this period full of physical and intellectual effort at RMA Sandhurst made him understand the value of life as a cadet, the richness of the passing moment, the significance of every transitory minute. These months of military life and military knowledge have proved to be enough for a lifetime.

Therefore, Prince Harry is an extraordinary being. He is, at the same time, unitary and multilateral, linear and very often unpredictable. Concurrently answering the calls of his inner needs and of the outside world, he blends love for himself with sacrifice.

The man Harry wants to know, wants to know himself, always restless, never content.  He lives inside himself, but also for spreading outside. He wants to discover his calling and wants to accomplish it at planetary level. What defines him is particularly the inner power through which he can raise above the material world. It is the leap towards freedom and fantasy. It is the change, escape from  the arbitrary and the monotonous, from a dull existence, controlled by imposed limitations.

It is the call of adventure, that is the ability to advance beyond individual limits.  It is the sacrifice of the own being, in order to achieve a dream. For him, human value means escape from constraints, love and sacrifice. This is a total paradox:  his destiny  buried in his inner being  also includes the chance of  his own transformation.

From now on , his human destiny will appear  in a new light. In this destiny we see the unique way in which a man surrenders to the things around him, but also his dissolution into  the endless forms of possibility. His ability to stop in time to change the world. We know the secret vibration of life that  a man can perceive  in the moment of revelation  when he meets himself. This is the destiny of a member of the British Royal Family : Prince Harry!

Prince Harry’s Present Military Life – Facing The Enemy

The Cadet Life of Prince Harry (published by AuthorHouse), presents an intriguing light on the 44 weeks Prince Harry trained at RMA Sandhurst. The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of Prince Harry’s adventures as a cadet, but It also presents the normal actions that will follow after graduation.

Prince Harry’s admittance to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst has changed the rhythm of his life. The Prince, who had previously lived his own life, now has access to the universe and to spiritual life. Before Sandhurst he lived in isolation. Now he has a multiple existence. He used to live separated from the others, now he identifies himself with the others. His life used to be monotonous, now he experiences diversity of war.

We look at him and understand how much color and intensity exists in his present military life! Being part of an orderly life in Afghanistan, alongside his friends and colleagues! The hours of military training, the ones spent in the overseas battlefield make him have access to a polyphonic life, simultaneously embracing  various levels of reality that the expansion of his spirit allows.

The pleasure of taking part in the interesting actions! It’s like watching an exciting movie, when you identify with its heroes and you experience their feelings, their joys and sorrows. It’s all a matter of the flight of the mind, of creating subjective undertones, of protracting the events to give them density and relief. In this way, time goes faster.

Prince Harry feels he has been here since the beginning of time. The strict garrison schedule has become his second nature. The military uniform is his most natural dress. He accepts all those who surround him as part of his life.  Among them he feels at ease, safe and peaceful. Even the enemy is a little friendly. They are all part of a big family: The family of the soldiers fighting overseas!

After ten or fifteen years, memories start to lose their substance. And he will ask  himself: “Did I really go through it? Was I really there?” And he will see himself mixed in those events he would definitely doubt it. Here he is now, facing pale, blurred memories of his own life before coming in the battlefield of Afghanistan. Without apparently heeding the way in which he is perceived by the world, he continues his journey through life, heading for the final target which destiny has in store for him. And we transmit him our thoughts and sympathy!

Now all of us understand: Prince Harry was born to be a brave warrior!


What you see on TV or the Internet when watching the news about a Royal Family looking from the outside, is one thing. My book “The Cadet Life of Prince Harry”, attempts also to give the reader an insight into their internal world. Meeting a member of a royal family we say: “nobody is more fortunate than him!” The rest of us, follow him, trying to figure out his destiny.

In order to defend his rich and honest personality, everyone of them has to work hard, and he will encourage other young people to follow in his footsteps. The affection we hold for them, mirrors the affection we feel for one another. Their heartbeat finds an echo in our hearts.

Every member of the British Royal Family has a rounded personality and can make the necessary connections between his own experience and world events. To the rest of us, he has a certain symbolic importance. At the same time, what he has to say is not in some secret code, but is clear and easily understandable.  In everything he does, he demonstrates his exceptional qualities. Like each of us he is responsible for who he becomes, and for his actions, and he is very aware of this.

His destiny is to operate on the World stage and help people everywhere enjoy the values that have always been dear to our hearts.  These are values which today are universally accepted.  We will gather the fruits of this work in the decades to come. We, who know him, suspect that his fame will live on from age to age to all eternity!

And now, dear reader, please picture Prince Harry in your mind’s eye.  He’s a young man of athletic built, dressed in an elegant suit, who looks at us with a cool perceptive glance and a charming smile. Several episodes from his life are told in this book, and it is a beautiful story.  By the end I guarantee you will find him a fascinating personality. Wherever he is, he enlivens the atmosphere, and wears his royalty with an easy grace. His companions are nevertheless aware that in his company we’re in the presence of history in the making.

A meeting with Prince Harry must be a very significant event.  The moment expands into eternity and eternity is concentrated in that self same moment.  Suddenly, you feel your former limitations vanishing and you’re ready to reach for the stars! When you look into his smiling young face, bright with confidence, you have a new, fresh, vision of the possibilities of the world that surrounds you. Moments spent in the presence of Prince Harry are unforgettable. You regain the freshness of your perception of the world and yet feel the benefit of eons of human experience.

But this is something we can say about each and every member of the British family. I’m  going to carve out a very special role for himself in the history of Great Britain.  We will hear great things of him in the future!

Those who have known him say that the Prince is singled out for great things. He has an original way of thinking that casts a new light on matters under discussion. You are aware that this is a man with a rich inner life. In spite of that the fascination that his presence engenders, he behaves extremely naturally.  He transmits to those around him a sense of energy.

In getting to know him, we also feel that we are reaching a closer understanding of ourselves. For us Prince Harry is an outstanding personality who is forging a new language to describe universal reality. We agree that his deeds reflect something of the brave deeds of illustrious men throughout history,The British Royal Family and of other Royal Families.  In every Prince there’s a dreamer and each has an intuitive love for their world and their own inner life of the spirit.

For me, researching and writing this book has been a real pleasure.  I sink into the task as into the enveloping warmth of a spring night.  Setting down my pen at the end of the evening, I realize that all the strains of life and the worries of tomorrow have slipped from my shoulders. I have the feeling that I’m going to rewrite the history.

A Day in the Life of a Royal Cadet

“The Cadet Life of Prince Harry” is an extraordinary story of effort, adjustment, courage and love that underscores the transformative power of military education. By reading it, you understand the happiness of trying to become immortal through what you do. At the end you will realize that the cadet life is a manly road full of hardships, of physical and intellectual efforts, that form you as a man.

There is one chance out of a hundred to get into RMA Sandhurst. Your road has led you here. You are going to learn the job of handling the weapons. You are going to dress the military uniform and you are going to do what you have to do. In fact, that’s what others expect of you! It is time we advanced on in our military career! Become officer cadets and so on.

Every day of a royal cadet is a different one. I know that usually, a cadet is not afraid of facing life. A cadet is anxious to prove himself. The excitement, the dangers, the difficulties of ling marches, carrying tens of pounds of equipment on his back, the problems of a complex life of a man does not intimidate a cadet. But, after ten hours of effort, a tired, but satisfied cadet, is eager to face the new obstacles life at RMA Sandhurst implies.

Prince Harry

New Colours are presented to RMAS. Officer Cadet Wales (Prince Harry) and his intake juniors are inspected.
Picture taken from

The purpose of drills is not related to cultivating his intelligence, but rather to cultivating his spirit. Spirit is sometimes mistaken for the conservation instinct. But they, the ones who are now in Sandhurst, know for sure that a day is going to come that each piece of knowledge, each skill they learned will produce results. This is in fact the goal of this period in the life of a junior cadet. His step becomes steadier, his look is firmer!

Then after a long period of drills, another one arrives: the classes.  The classes, lectures in the theory of tactics, with evaluations at the end of each week enable you to acquire knowledge. Actually small steps in a cadet’s own transformation. They do not mean defeat if they are not perfectly prepared for an exam. But that is not a reason for self inflation either, they hope to one day impresses their instructors with their excellent answers.

A royal cadet compares the classes with a kind of ceremony. Each class has a special significance, and the way in which the participants manifest themselves has something of a ceremony. After each break, the cadets head for the lecture theaters. Some of them talk loudly, others silently check their papers and pens. When the instructor gets in, they stand up at the order. Then the instructor invites them to be seated. He usually starts with a joke or at least a remark that makes them smile.

And as the days go by, the courses become more and more interesting. There are also days in which the courses are followed by drills, and after many hours at the desk, action is welcome. Class by class, the amount of knowledge gets bigger and bigger and the cadets become easier to handle.

You can imagine Prince Harry among the royal cadets. He is hard-working. He tries to assimilate all the knowledge in his teachers’ lectures. He no longer feels insecure, he no longer spends his days in daydreaming. His feelings start to unfold. He becomes more friendly with his colleagues, and more confident. Time is beginning to shape the real character which inhabits the being of Prince Harry. A character towards who he goes with open arms. Every moment of self-discovery gives him a feeling of accomplishment.

Why I wrote “The Journey of a Royal Cadet”

Cover-02“The Journey of Royal Cadet” is a book of wisdom. Reading this book you discover a new and fascinating world, you find the answer to a lot of questions. Here you discover about the transforming power of military education. You share the secrets of a Royal Prince as a cadet and have a chance to enter a new universe.

We all have a great respect for the members of a Royal Family. Each has a character that deserves to be remembered by history. And even more than that, each of them connects us to history in the present tense. Living alongside them we get to know them, value them and love them. We’re proud that they’re part of our world, the real world. That’s how it is!  Our respect for them is on a different basis than in past centuries. We respect them because now we know the truth about them!

The insight into the lives and actions of the members of the Royal Family makes us feel closer to how history is being made in our world. No matter how much has been written about them, there’s still much more to be said. No biographer could ever capture everything in one book. However, we’re convinced that every writer on the subject of the members of the Royal Family will add new insights!

Generally people feel especially privileged if they have contact with a Prince. It is a unique moment – a moment they’ll never forget. They feel this encounter has a very particular significance and it is often a reward for years of hard effort. Each member of the Royal Family seems to have a special quality and when one of their subjects meets one of them a seal is set upon that lucky subject’s career or other achievements.

For this reason meeting a member of this family is a truly spiritual event.  An ordinary person feels the presence of history. And none of the changes that the world is affected by will alter our feelings of respect for the members of our Royal Family.

Among the dozens of members of the Royal Family in the world today, there’s one that has a particularly appealing personality – Prince Harry!  He’s not the most important member of the Royalty, but nor is he the least important. If   you listed all the living members of his family in order of importance, Prince Harry would be placed somewhere in the middle.  Though in my opinion, all the Princes of the world are equally important!

Prince Harry is the main character of this book, so we’re going to give him our undivided attention. I believe that each of the Princes of this world could be the hero of countless books to be written in the future. The reason why I have chosen to write about Prince Harry is that he has a symbolic importance. He is a model of a young man starting out in life with a taste for serious thinking and with a great desire to learn.  He has a good sense of fun and is ready to take on all the excitement and the occasional painful experience life throws at him!

The Journey of a Royal Cadet

Cover-02RMA Sandhurst is the place where you learn the fundamental meaning of military thinking and wisdom. Living and training in RMA Sandhurst means being born again, little by little. Here you blend your own being with the miracle of military education. It is a difficult road, with steep slopes, but extremely attractive for someone having such a voluntary character as Prince Harry. For him, to live the life of a cadet means to change gradually. To become a real man, ready to face life and the military career!

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